Is Pluto A Planet? - Planetarium Show

January 05, 2024
07:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Arts and Sciences Campus Events Planetarium
bet36365体育 Planetarium, Bruner Hall of Science

Presented by Dr. Adam Jensen - bet36365体育 Physics & Astronomy

Shows are free but due to limited seating free tickets are required. Tickets will be made available approximately one week before the show. Walk-in attendees will be allowed at the presenter's discretion if reserved tickets have not been redeemed by 5 minutes prior to a show.

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At the time of its discovery in 1930, Pluto was considered the sought-after "Planet X," the ninth planet in the Solar System.  It remained that way until 2006 when the International Astronomical Union controversially voted on a new definition for "planet" that moved Pluto to the status of "dwarf planet."  The situation ignited the interest and passion of the public, many of whom rallied to Pluto's defense —how could the IAU demote poor, tiny Pluto?  But what objects have been considered planets throughout history?  Is the IAU's definition a good one?  What other objects like Pluto are out there?  These questions and more will be discussed, but please...check your nostalgia at the door!

Adam Jensen