

该部门的愿景是 通过个性化解决网络挑战, 创新的学习和研究机会.


根据网络系统部的任务发挥作用, mission 和 objectives of the 内布拉斯加大学 at Kearney as approved by the 内布拉斯加大学 Board of Regents 和 in accordance with the statewide plan of the Coordinating Commission for Post-secondary 教育 is to creates value by engaging with stakeholders to make a difference.


  • 促进 创新适当的 在大学内外使用技术
  • 发展中 基本 技能和 专业 终身成功所需的知识
  • 学生主导的体验式学习 这是贯穿整个课程的
  • 鼓舞人心的教师在追求和交付进步 奖学金, 教学 和有意义 服务 活动
  • 支持和鼓励有助于的技术举措 教育和经济的进步
  • 培养能够 分析 complex computing problems; apply principles of computing 和 other relevant disciplines to identify 解决方案s; 设计, 实现评估 一个computing-based 解决方案 满足一组给定的计算要求; 沟通 effectively in a variety of 专业 contexts; recognize 专业 responsibilities 和 做出明智的判断 in computing practice based on legal 和 ethical principles; 和 function effectively as a 团队的成员或领导者.

The Department meets its mission by providing our students with up-to-date curricula 和 pedagogy in the computer science, 网络安全行动, 信息网络和电信, 信息技术, 和 management information systems disciplines; ensuring that they have a solid foundation in the core concepts, equipping them with problem solving 和 decision-making skills; 和 preparing them for lifelong learning in the discipline. 该部门提供并鼓励学院, 知识, 以及教职员工的学术增长. The department supports 和 encourages local 和 regional technology initiatives contributing to 教育和经济的进步.

 The 网络系统 Department emphasizes quality in all of its 活动 in accordance with current trends in postsecondary education quality assurance. 而该系的主要重点是本科教学, faculty 奖学金 和 服务 are encouraged in accordance with the Regents' 和 Coordinating Commission's plans 和 the Boyer-Rice model for such faculty 活动.
